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Kérdések és javaslatok az ukrán oktatási törvény nyelvi cikkelyét illetően

Közel kétórás megbeszélést folytattak a kárpátaljai magyar érdekképviselet vezetői az ukrán oktatási miniszterrel és szakmai testületének tagjaival június 5-én Kijevben. A találkozó során a magyar delegáció írásban is átnyújtotta véleményét, és előre kidolgozott kérdéseiket Lilija Hrinevicsnek.

To Hrynevych L. M.,
The minister os science and education of Ukraine

Dear madam minister!

On behalf of the Transcarpathian NGOs and societies representing the rights of the Hungarian minority communities we are grateful for the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the issues concerning the language of instruction in educational establishments and the implementation of the language article of the Law on Education and Article 7 of the Law on Full Secondary Education.

In order to facilitate constructive cooperation, we are sending our proposals in the attachments, as well as a list of questions for which we need more information and feedback from the Ministry of Education and Science and from you.

The list of the attachments:

  • Attachment 1.List of questions to the staff of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • Attachment 2. A petition to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by László Brenzovics,  a member of the Ukrainian Parliament On the Modifications of Article 7 of the Law on Eductation Concerning the Rights of National Minoritiesfor Kindergarten Education In Their Native Language.
  • Attachment 3. Suggestions of the Transcarpathian NGOs and societies representing the rights of the Hungarian minority communities for the meeting with the staff of the Ministry of Education and Science, June 05, 2018.
  • The analysis of the state standard for primary education and suggestions concerning the curriculum.

The original copies of the attachments will be delivered during the meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science.

Berehove, May 31, 2018.

László Brenzovics,
Chairman of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association

László Zubánics,
Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Ukraine

Ildikó Orosz,
Chairman of the TranscarpathianHungarian Pedagogical Association

Attachmen 1.
Attachmen 2.
Attachmen 3.
Attachmen 4.


2018. június 7. csütörtök 12:40
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